Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tempers flying!

In the last few weeks I have noticed that my son has a horrible attitude. He is six and maybe this is to be expected, but really do we all have to suffer for his poor attitude. It is unfortunate that at the age of six you do not yet know how to indentify the things in your life that are having this effect on you. I personally wish I could just shake it out of him, lol! Although we all know that won't happen. He started first grade four weeks ago and prior to first grade had always loved school, daycare what ever it was that kept him busy during the day. Most days I would go pick him up and he would question why I was there already to get him. I want this child back. Lately it is all I can do to get him out the door in the mornings without a fit throwing tantrum or tears. This is a new school, new kids, new teacher, it's just new all the way around and whatever is going on there is not good. You know if this was a job you could just put in your notice and in two weeks be free. I wish it was that easy for him.
That being said as a mother I am trying to do everything I can to help him learn to enjoy this new enviroment. I encourage him everyday to make a new friend. He has made a few friends, one that I have a feeling is not such a great friend based on the things he has told me, but then again how can I be sure that my child is not the problem. Every parent wants to believe it's not their child's fault, but how can I be sure or this. I am not completely naive, I know that my child has some issues and unfortunately they are  mostly caused by adults. It is unfortunate that the actions we as adults take should have such an effect on these innocent children.
While writing this and thinking about the things that are effecting him I have come to the conclusion that my son needs a respectable man in his life. One that will be there forever no matter what. The time he spends with his dad is minimal during the school year and this makes is very difficult for him, and me bring a man into my life won't fill this gap either since if I take the man back out then that is just one more bad experience for him. I am hoping that my twin brother can fill in this gap as he is the best example of a man I could ask for. Wish me luck with this.

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